Saturday, May 22, 2010

Some questions about the early signs of pregnancy include:

Some questions about the early signs of pregnancy include:

1. Hunger in the long run

Also occur in people who are not pregnant but more often occur in early pregnancy. Do not depend entirely to sign this but if he applies in addition to the signs of another pregnancy, ready-Be willing to count your days.

2. A change in color around the breast

If the skin around your nipples become blackish, chances are you've had a few weeks pregnant. Though how else, he also can be caused by hormonal imbalance unrelated to pregnancy or due to its previous content.

3. Often discard small water

If the fetus is first formed and the growing uterus pressing pot piss you first, you'll feel often to pee.

4. Feeling helpless

The feeling is like no power over the period? Hormone secreted in early pregnancy may make you feel tired quickly. Fatigue and powerlessness is something that often happens in early pregnancy.

5. Pain and tension on the breasts

If you are pregnant, your breasts will become sore to the touch, somewhat similar to the time of menstruation that occurs on your breasts before menstruation. If the body has become used to the incidence of these hormones, pain due to tension will become increasingly uncomfortable.



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