Wednesday, May 5, 2010

pregnancy symptoms week by week,

Fetal development week 19

Now about 23 cm long fetus weighing 200 grams. If you have not felt fetal movement, maybe this week you will start merasaka movements. Fetal brain has reached millions of motor nerve therefore he is able to make conscious movements like sucking your thumb. Fetal nervous system is formed at week 4, this week even more perfect in its development, namely with a properly manufactured cerebrosfinalis fluid circulating in the brain and spinal cord without a hitch. Well, if the holes are clogged or the flow of liquid is hindered by any cause, most likely to occur hydrocephalus / buildup of fluid in the brain. The amount of fluid that accumulates is usually around 500-1500 ml, but can reach 5 liters! Stacking obviously affected the number of fatal considering how much brain tissue from fetuses that had been suppressed by the liquid.

Fetal development of Sunday's 20th

Skin that covers the fetus's body began to be differentiated into two layers, namely layers located on the surface of the epidermis and dermis layer which is the inner lining. Then epidermis will form certain patterns on the fingertips, palms and soles of the feet. While the dermis layer contains small blood vessels, nerves and a large amount of fat.
With rapid growth, need for fetal blood also rose sharply. In order not to threaten anemia of pregnancy, the mother should be sufficient iron intake, either through the consumption of nutritionally balanced foods and supplements the doctor ordered. Fetal muscles getting stronger each week. If you still can feel the movements, you will definitely feel the movement now. Maybe you mean the first movement like the wind, because it feels like a burst of bubbles inside. The fetus moves about 200 times a day, but you just feel a little of all this movement.



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