Thursday, May 27, 2010

pregnancy symptoms week by week,

Week 5:
Your baby is now approximately the size of a seed at this week's aple and referred to as embryos. Your baby already has his own heartbeat, placenta and umbilical cord has been working solely on this week. Primary brain vesicle-vesicle begins to form, began developing nervous system.

Week 6:
The embryo looks like a tadpole. On this week to recognize the head, tail, hands and limbs were like buds.
On this week's early formation of the liver, pancreas, lung, thyroid gland and heart.

Week 7:
Already formed a complete heart. The nerves and muscles work together fatherly first time. Babies have a reflex and spontaneous moves (you can not feel it). This weekend to complete the brain will be formed.

Week 8:
The embryo is now a length of about 25-30 mm. The arms and legs are divided into components of the thighs, legs, hands, arms, shoulders. Reproductive organs begin to form as well as cartilage and bone. External ear is fully formed, the eye form the pigment. In the brain, nerves associated with smell in the lobby of the brain.
The heart was pumping with a strong and regular rhythm.

Week 9:
The first movement of the fetus can be detected with ultrasound. On this week's abdomen and chest cavity is separated and the eye muscles and the upper lip is formed.

Week 10:
Bone replaces cartilage reactors. The diaphragm separates the heart and lungs from the abdomen. Neck muscles are formed. The brain develops rapidly in the last month so that the proportion of heads is greater than the body.

Week 11:
External sex organs have been formed, as well as hair follicles and teeth. Baby can swallow amniotic fluid and pulled back (urine).

Week 12:
The size of your fetus is now about 8 cm. All vital organs are formed baby.
With a signal from the brain, muscles will respond and the baby can kick.



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