Sunday, January 30, 2011

first trimester pregnancy symptoms

Beginning of your pregnancy is usually based on your last menstrual period. Many physical changes you will experience during the first trimester (first 3 months of pregnancy). This period was also a period of rapid growth for your baby.

The first month

At week 2, the basic structure of the central nervous system begins to form in the womb.

Second month

Week 5, the embryo can be seen with the eyes telanjang.Minggu 6, the heart is beating, head, chest, and abdomen began to form.

Week 7, indentations that mark the places where fingers and toes will grow.

Week 8, although a new fetal length about 2.5 cm (1 in), all internal organs already in place and major joints like shoulders and hips are clearly visible.

Third Month

Week 9, mouth and nose are visible, both arms were grown with cepat.Minggu 10, the form of fingers and toes are visible, although still connected to each other by a membrane of skin.

At the end of week 11, all organs have the form and function.

Sunday 12, or the end of the first trimester, eyelids, fingernails and feet were visible, the joints can move, baby can suck and swallow.

All systems in the body of the baby has well developed and many organs that looks almost perfect. Although in the 12-week fetus grows rapidly, the fetus is still not able to live outside the womb.



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