Tuesday, September 7, 2010

pregnancy symptom

Tired of working too hard

Many women feel exhausted during pregnancy, especially in the early days. This may be a natural way to persuade expectant mothers to take more time to sleep, in preparation for night-night in which he could not sleep in the future. But there are also physical reasons for this fatigue.
In the first weeks of pregnancy, your body works very hard to pump hormones and producing more blood to carry nutrients to your fetus. To accommodate this increased blood flow, your heart pumps harder and faster. Plus, the hormone progesterone which is a natural depressant for the central nervous system, so this hormone in large numbers causing you to feel sleepy. As tambahahan, the possibility of pregnancy can cause feelings of worry that can absorb your energy and cause insomnia.

Spots of blood or abdominal pain.

There are experienced plaque or a little bleeding during early pregnancy, around 10 or 14 days after conception. Known as bleeding due to implantation, which occurs when a fertilized egg cell that has put itself on the uterine wall. Such bleeding usually occurs earlier, fewer and lighter color than the usual blood came out at the time of menstruation, and the only briefly. There is also experiencing abdominal pain or cramping in early pregnancy when the uterus began to enlarge. The pain is exactly like the pain during menstruation



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